Want to generate money for your organization, foundation, club, school, fraternity, sorority or sport team? We have the perfect venue for you. With over 7 venues of different sizes, brand, and atmosphere, you are sure to have the perfect option for your event. We understand how important fundraising events are for your organization, so we'll make sure this experience is an all-in-one process that's both easy and convenient. With one of the most competitive compensation structures in the industry, you are sure to raise funds at any of our venues.
We're proud to be Ottawa’s biggest student-oriented nightclub! Since April 2018, we've developed great relationships with many clubs, faculties, fraternities and sororities at the University of Ottawa & Carleton University. We hope to create a new relationship with you and your organization to continue throwing successful events for student groups!
We offer the greatest deals in the city for pub nights, making it extremely easy for your organization to raise money at no cost to you. To find out more about what fundraising deals we can offer you, fill out our contact form or give us a call at (613) 862-7622.
We supply your organization with
Professionally designed artwork
Professionally printed tickets
Access to the venue for setup
Staff dressed per your event theme